Best In Specialty Show
Group Placing
CH Cameo's Northland Silversmith NJP OAJ
Lily is a Top 20 Weimaraner with several sporting group placements.  She is owned by
Eva & Kevin Phillippi and shown by Eva in the conformation ring and Kevin in the agility
ring.  She comes from a very strong pedigree of  CH Tory's Stainless Silversmith JH and
CH Silversmith Saratoga from the Cameo and Silversmith kennels in South Carolina.  
This young girl is already finding her place among the best of the breed and promises an
even brighter future.

Contact Eva and Kevin for more information on Lily at
Congratulations to Lily and Bounder on the birth of Porsche, a little girl whelped August 11,
2008.  Already taking many of her mother's traits, she will be a joy to watch grow!