MACH2 CH Marric's Northland Superfly OF "Fly"
Fly is the first papillon to join the Phillippi household. Coming form a wonderful breeder in
Nebraska, Fly has several times proven his name by almost flying off the table in the ring
while being examined.
He has helped to prove how easy it can be for large and small days to live together. He
and the weimaraners have been pals from the start. The Vizslas also love playing with
these little guys.
Always ready with a kiss, Fly has yet to meet a stranger. Proving what a versatile Toy dog
that he is, Fly quickly earned his Novice Agility titles in six straight runs with six straight
perfect scores, six first places and three double Q's. He is a joy to watch run and should
be renamed Mr. Perfect!
Fly takes Wichita by storm! He is Winner's Dog for a 5-point major and earns his
Championship and also gets a Q in Open Standard. This boy is Versatile, going from the
show ring with Eva to the agility ring with Kevin without missing a step. Congrats Fly on all
you've accomplished in 22 months.
Fly continues to show his versatility, taking Best of Breed one weekend and following that
up with legs and points towards his MACH just a few weeks later. This boy is truly an
all-arounder. Be sure to check him out in the agility ring, but don't blink or you could miss
him. Watch as the Double Q's start to add up in the agility arena.

At not even 2, Super Fly earned his NA and NAJ on the same day at his third run ever. He finished his novice
titles with three double Q's, Six perfect 100 scores and six first places. Congrats to Fly who earned this March
15, 2008. He was handled by Kevin for all of his runs, they make a great team.