Welcome to Cruiser's Vizslas, here you can find all my Shooting Stars!
Welcome to Cruiser's Vizslas, the STARt of something Special!
Last Update: December 31, 2015
2016, We've been waiting for you!
A Family Affair!
Pictured above is Kathy Engelsman with Ralph, Jill
Hoffbeck with Star and Eva Phillippi with Maverick.  
Grandfather, Mother and Son.
Pictured above is Judge, Paula Nykiel, Jill Hoffbeck
with Star, Eva Phillippi with Maverick and Ron
Halpaus with Willow.  This day the went
BOB/BOW/WD Maverick, BOS Star and WB/New
Champion WIllow!!
Pictured above is Sam, Jr, Daddy Sam, Grandma
Ice, Tucker and Farmer.
Pictured above is Willow, Gauge, Olive, Newt, Ella,
Maverick, Momma Star and Daddy Tok.

We are pleased to Introduce:
the N
FC Central (old school)
n Ema and Ranger production!
There is currently a girl available
puppies ready to go to forever homes
January 23...

Email: jill@shootingstardogs.com with questions