Multiple Group Winning, Multiple Group Placing
GCH Marric's Northland It Takes A Thief
Bandit, well, one look is all it takes to not only fall for this little guy, but to see where his
name came from.

This little man has already proven that he packs a big punch.  His first time in the ring,
Bandit went Best in Match.  His showmanship had the entire crowd cheering for him.

Congratulations to Bandit who took Sioux Falls by storm in his debut conformation
weekend.  He left with Winner's Dog/Best of Winner's and a lot of compliments!  Bandit
follows up that performance with two more Winner's Dog/Best of Winner's at the
Minneapolis Kennel Club shows and then finishes with a BIG BANG!  Bandit earned his
major in only his 7th and 8th time in the ring at the St. Paul, Land O' Lakes Kennel Club
show.  Here he earned two 5-point majors, Best of Winner's and Bests of Breed, going
over 6 specials each day.  He also looked great in the Group ring.  

Bandit also had a very nice Special career, Winning the Toy Group multiple times and
almost always in the ribbons.