
This weekend we headed to Belvidere, IL for the Vizsla Club of Illinois
Specialty.  Farmer again had the hot hand and goes Select Bitch out of a nice
lineup and specials.  This earns her a 5 point Grand Champion major her first
weekend out as a special.

Wow, Wow, Wow!!!  Farmer attends the IABCA International show and comes
home with 2 Group1's, 2 BBE Group 1's, a Best In Show and 2 BBE Best In
Show.  I couldn't be prouder of my young girl.  She and I floated all the way

Darlin sparkles again, but this time for her young owner Sidney, as they
compete in the local Lakeville's Pan-O-Prog dog show and take first place!  
Because of her win, she and Sidney got to ride in the evening parade on

Also in West Bend, WI for the Central Wisconsin Vizsla Club Specialty.  After
Kato, Benelli and Farmer all win their Sweepstakes class, we had Kato and
Benelli both in for Winner's Dog after winning their classes.  Although no points
for the boys, they showed very well.  It was Farmer who shot to the top, she
won a tough Bred By class and went onto Winner's Bitch.  It was thrilling in the
end though as the judged also awarded her Best of Winner's AND Best of
Opposite!!  This win also makes Farmer a new Champion!  

The weather is heating up and so is our July!


West Bend, WI bring us another new Grand Champion.  This time it is Boca!  
And just in time as she will be starting on a new journey as mom in August.  
Boca went Select Bitch for her final points, she and Teresa looked fantastic!

Iowa continues to be our kind of party.  This weekend is it Farmer taking the
purple.  She went Winner's Bitch both days for her 2nd and 3rd majors!  On
Sunday our nephew Brew went Winner's Dog for another point.  Maverick was
awarded Best of Breed both days!

What a great Ft Dodge, IA weekend.  Darlin' finishes her Championship in style
going BOB/BOW/WB and a Sporting Group 4.  She was a joy to show and I
couldn't be prouder of her.  On Sunday, Maverick moved into the breed position
going Best of Breed.

As the "Boys of Summer" head to their new homes, Newt to the west enters
the ring after a time away and proves he has what it takes.  He takes Best of
Breed both days and on Sunday earns his Grand Championship.  He has only
been in the ring 6 times as a special, what a Grand job!  Also on Sunday, Karma
works her magic and goes Winner's Bitch.


Twin Cities Vizsla Club holds their Specialty in St Peter and Tucker goes Best
of Opposite in Sweepstakes, Kato places in the 6-9 month dog and Farmer in
the 15-18 month bitch Sweepstakes.  In Veteran Sweepstakes, Gunnar loves
being back out and places in the 9-11 class, as does Star in the 7-9 class.

Over the weekend everyone was competitive and although no points where
brought home, I am pleased that everyone held their own in competitive
classes.  The thrill of the weekend was Willow, going Select Bitch on Sunday
for a huge 5 point major to finish her Grand Championship.  Nice job WIllow &

Meanwhile in Colorado, Karma continues to clean up the agility courses
earning her Open Standard and Open Jumpers titles.  She also earns her first
AXJ leg.

Eau Claire is an exciting show for us, Saturday Kato goes Winner's Dog,
Farmer goes Best of Winner's-Winner's Bitch, Maverick earns Best of Opposite
and sister Willow looks fabulous going Best of Breed.

Sunday Playar goes WInner's Dog, Willow is Select Bitch and Maverick goes
Best of Breed to finish his Grand Championship!  Later in the day he made the
cut in the Sporting Group also.

Kato wins big in the inaugural Vizsla Futurity-Maturity competition.  He went
Best Puppy Dog in Futurity.  We are so proud of this little man.  In Sweepstakes,
Tucker proves hot, placing in a very competitive 12-15 month dog class.  Playar
made the cut in the 6-9 month dog class.

In regular classes, Kato again makes the cut in a large 6-9 month class.  Star
and Bosco are recognized for being Therapy Dogs and to end the week, Star
receives recognition for being the #1 Top Producer in 2011 with 7 get.


We're loaded up and headed to Huron, OH for the Vizsla Club of America
Nationals.  Should prove to be an exciting week!

Karma has great day and earns a Rally Advanced leg and an Open Agility leg to
start the Nationals out in style!

The sadness of my day with this being the one year mark of the passing of
Radar was made a little easier by his grandson Bosco.  He earned his
Championship today in Fond Du Lac, WI going Best of Winner's-Winner's Dog
for his third major.   I could not be more proud of what this gorgeous boy has
accomplished.  At the same show, Boca earned a major toward her Grand
Championship.  She is on a roll.

Our Cruiser's West team hit the ring.  Karma earns 2 more points going
Winner's Bitch/Best of Winner's both days in Brighton, CO.  Her cute cousin Ila
was right behind her, at just 6 months old, she went Reserve both days, great
for the first time in the ring for both her and owner Caitlin!

Darlin' whelps 7 gorgeous boys!

We headed to DeKalb, IL for the Easter weekend to get the puppies in the ring
before heading to Nationals.  On Saturday, Kato goes Reserve Winner's Dog
and Ema goes Reserve Winner's Bitch.  Sunday was a super day, with Playar
going Winner's Dog for his first points.  Big brother Maverick also went Select
Dog both days for another major.

Karma does it again, tearing up the agility courses.  On the 6th, she received a
double Q in Open Jumpers and Novice Standard.  On the 8th she did it again.  
This time after moving up to open in both, she received a QQ in Open Jumpers
with Weaves and Open Standard.  Go Karma and Jenny!

Hitting the Lure Coursing arena for their second legs was successful for
Willow and Sonja, who both earn their 2nd CA legs.


Big lure coursing day for us.  Both Maverick and Boca earn their third and final
CA legs.  Farmer, Benelli, Sonja and Willow all earn their first CA legs

Newt shows his skills in the field and finishes his Senior Hunter title.  This
young boy is so exciting and excelling in so many areas!  Congrats Newt, Pat &

The word of the day started out as MAJOR, as in Bosco and earning his second
in West Allis, WI, bringing him to 14 points and so close to his championship.  
The word of the day ended with QUALIFY, as in Newt earning his 3rd Senior
Hunter leg in less than desirable wind conditions.  

Started out the day with Darlin' being confirmed pregnant.  She and McKinley
are expecting April 11 puppies.  

Finished the day with a giant grin, Zeke wins the Gateway Vizsla Club Specialty
in St Louis for his BISS!!  At just over two, this boy has his CH, MH, GCH and now
a BISS.  Congrats to Pat & Jacqueline Koprowski and co-owner/handler Tad
Walden on this wonderful win.


This weekend finds me headed south to Des Moines, IA again.  This time with a
different group of dogs, but with similar results.  Tucker earned Winner's Dog
both days with cousin Bosco earning Reserve.  Young Maverick was Best of
Breed both days, adding to his Grand Champion points.  Boca enters the breed
ring for the first time as Champion and goes Best of Opposite Sex both days,
beginning her quest towards her Grand Championship.  Willow also adds to her
GCH total with Select Bitch points both days.  Couldn't be prouder!!

Having been in the ring less than enough times to fill two hands, Newt hits the
Denver cluster and Specialty with Stars in his eyes.  He was Select Dog all
three of these days to bring him to 19 points in 4 attempts.   

Also hitting the Denver cluster is Karma.  She flies through the agility course,
earning herself an NAJ (Novice Jumpers) leg.  She follows that up the next day
with a CGC certificate.  Watch out, this girl is on fire!  So very proud of these
accomplishments, go Cruiser's West!


Some weekends staying home brings better news than hitting the road.  On
Saturday, Cruiser's East did not disappoint.  Bosco started out going Winner's
Dog for his first major!  Older sister Boca did not want him having all the
attention, Boca went Winner's Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex over specials for
a special New Championship win.  Congrats to Frank and Teresa Rizzo for their
first Champion and thank you for all your hard work with this beautiful girl.  Two
weekends, two new Champions...what a great start to 2012.

This weekend finds me headed south to Des Moines, IA.  Thank goodness I
have wonderful help at home with my mom coming over to watch all of my
dogs!  The weekend away was well worth it though, as Copper  hits the
Championship title board.  Saturday he goes Winner's Dog, Best of Winner's
and Best of Breed earning his Championship title at just 2 months shy of his 8th
birthday.  The joy is that this boy had very few weekends away, and he was
able to earn his title quickly.

Sunday Copper was a move-up to Breed and he did not disappoint going Best of
Breed for his first Grand Championship points, a major.  Later that day, Farmer
earned a Bred By Exhibitor Sporting Group 3.

I head to Cruiser's East and Oshkosh, WI for another fun filled weekend.  On
Saturday, Boca earns a 3 point major, going Winner's Bitch and Best of
Opposite over a special to come within 1 point of her Championship.  Arlo, a
Radar Grandson, goes Winner's Dog and Best of Winner's for his first major.

Sunday we are thrilled to have Darlin earn a major going Winner's Bitch and
Best of Winner's.  Bosco goes Reserve Winner's Dog and already just a few
weeks into the new year we have much to Celebrate.

The Celebration continues with Cruiser's West, as Karma earns yet another
title in Colorado.  This time her RN is added to the alphabet soup following her

It is always to start the year at a local show full of BUZZ!!  Young Maverick
showed that he has matured, he earned Best of Breed on Saturday for a GCH 5
point major and goes Select Dog on Sunday for another major and is already
1/3 of the way towards earning his Grand Championship.  

Meanwhile his sister Willow earns a Select Bitch for yet another major on
Saturday bringing her within striking distance of her Grand Championship.

We welcome 2012 with excitement and energy.  So many wonderful things
were started last year, I can't wait to see what can be accomplished this year!

Looking back to 2011 What's New...

Looking back to 2010 What's New...

Looking back to 2009 What's New...

Looking back to 2008 What's New...

Looking back to 2007 What's New...
What's New
2012 Highlights